Saturday, February 5, 2011

I need to toughen up

I’m quite a soft helpful person and when there are things to do I’m always the first one to volunteer which is sometimes to my determent.
My company moved into a new bigger building about a year ago, when we moved in we didn’t have a facilities person to handle all the nitty gritty things so of course, Miss volunteer over here offered to help.
It landed up being a massive job that took up a lot of my day which meant working a lot of overtime because of course my work didn’t go away, finally they found the facilities person and even though most of the responsibilities were taken away somehow I was still sucked in.
At the end of last year they needed someone to organize the year end function and once again Miss volunteer over here decided to help.  There were 3 of us that organized a function for 600 people, all of us doing it over and above our everyday busy jobs, once again it meant lot’s of overtime and also meant that when the function arrived I didn’t really get to enjoy it.
Now that the history part is over with it brings me to today…
We have a new facilities person that has started, he comes to me today and say’s that these guys have arrived to empty our recycling bins and shred the paper would I mind assisting them because he has a very important corporate meeting.
When he asked I was in the middle of a crazy deadline for our finance department sitting in front of my computer trying to get it done and trying to eat my lunch at the same time, but of course Miss I can’t say no over here said okay but not with a good heart!
Anyway, I go with the guys to collect the paper from the bins and then go outside with them to the truck to watch them shred all our documents, while I am outside I see him get into a car and drive off, the penny then drops…  His important corporate meeting was actually going to mosque!
I was so upset, not only was I busy but he was not honest and that doesn’t sit right with me.
I then realized that this was my own fault because I should not have said yes, when I had my own responsibility’s.  I need to start saying no and taking on so much, I know this is not going to be easy because this is not the way that I am but it is something that I definitely need to work on.
As my first step to toughen up a bit I decided to confront him about it, which I did.  He said that he did have a meeting but it was a quick meeting and then he went to mosque, I am not sure whether this is the truth or not but I have decided to give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
Till next time,



I'm just like you. I have the hardest time saying NO to people and I'm always making time when I don't have time. I've been working on it lately but it's really hard for me to do still. I'm glad you were able to confront him afterwards and it says a lot about your character that you're still giving him the benefit of the doubt, because I probably wouldn't. I hope things get better for you at work! :)


I agree with Cheilsea. You are a good person to give him the benefit of the doubt. It is very hard to learn how to say no when we really need to. It comes with practice. I was well into my 30's before I finally got a good hold of it. You'll get there. Just remember that it is ok to say no. Don't feel guilty for it. Especially when you are already committed to something else - like the job you were actually hired to do. You can always say that you are swamped and would love too, but you just don't have the time right now. Maybe I can help you out next time. Good luck!

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