Monday, August 8, 2011

my weekend in a nutshell

Saturday was a nice lazy day, I had a bit of a headache in the morning so G went and did the shopping for me - was a nice treat not to have to worry about that.
I worked on some of my mosaic pieces, I'm currently busy with a cutlery caddy, which besides doing the grouting I'm basically finished with, a tissue box holder for G's desk at work which I started on Saturday evening and then when I ran out of blue tiles for that I worked on a coaster.

Sunday my folks, brother and gran came around for a braai (barbeque) it was such a lovely day, the weather was perfect, the food was yummy and the conversation was good!

G had the day off today as tomorrow is a public holiday here in SA I sadly had to trapse into the office and just wish I was outside in the sunshine :-)
I made it through the day and am looking foward to sleeping in tomorrow morning and possibly finishing off the tissue box holder so that G can take it with him to work on Wednesday!

Till next time!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Catch Up

Life has been a little manic here, I have started my first Project as the Project Manager and trying to do my current position so any spare time has been quite precious.

I have really been neglecting my blog and it has been one of those niggly things at the back of my mind everyday but I have just not found the time to sit down and type and when I have I found myself having some writers block!

So now I have finally decided to put everything aside and have some me time with my blog, yay J

Besides been busy at work G and I have been relatively busy with things around the house which has been quite fun.

G moved into the house 8 years ago and like any bachelor decorating was left to a minimal so now that we are married it feels like we have moved into a house and putting our finishing touches on them!

We have this room  next to our lounge that is supposed to be an entertainment room but we basically had a table with a computer on it in the room, it seemed like such a waste of space.
We have turned this into our TV room, put our screen on the wall, after months of searching finally found the perfect couch which was delivered last weekend and we asked G’s uncle who is a carpenter to make us a cupboard for the amp, etc, etc.

We gave G’s uncle a picture of the style that we wanted and he transformed the wood into this most beautiful cabinet, he truly is very talented!

Now I just need to find some nice colourful cushions to put on our couch and the room is done!
Albeit some other changing that will come at a later stage, like changing the tiles to laminated floors, etc!

We have taken the pc that was in that room and converted one of our bedrooms into a study / computer room.  This will eventually become our nursery and I’m not quite sure where the computer’s will go then but that is not today’s problem so I’m not going to worry about it now!

We are also going to be changing our bedroom around in the near future, we have asked G’s uncle to make us a few pretties for our bedroom, I will post some pic’s once we are finished!
Note to self, take before pic’s of the bedroom – unlike the tv room where I forgot to take the before pics!

G’s aunt and uncle decided to take their rose bushes out of their garden and because we spend a lot of time together they have decided to bless us with them!
Last weekend I stopped off at our local gardening shop I walked out with 3 pot’s, proper soil for roses, rose food and instructions on how to care for roses!

G’s aunt and uncle dropped the roses off yesterday afternoon so they have now been transplanted into their pot’s and put in our courtyard that I walk through to get to our front door, this way I get to enjoy them every day!

I must admit that I am very nervous about these roses, we spend a lot of time with G’s aunt and uncle and I know that these were their pride and joy but due to circumstances they had to take them out and I know that they would not have given them to just anyone, so they are very special!
I am trusting that we will get many years of flowers from these roses.

Any rose caring tips will be welcome!
Till next time,