Tuesday, May 22, 2012

G's Birthday 2012

G celebrated his birthday last Sunday.  We invited some family and friends to join us for a potjie*

We had the kids with us for the weekend so 12pm on Saturday night the 3 of us were walking into our bedroom with a cupcake and pressies singing "Happy Birthday" to G.  

The next morning, I got up bright and early and made him a delicious breakfast in bed.

Just before everyone arrived we decided to make some roast potatoes on the fire in our flat cast iron pot, G started those while waiting for everyone to arrive - they were awesome!

 As soon as the potatoes were finished we put the potjie on, it takes about 3 hours to cook.

Despite the weather being quite overcast and chilly we all sat outside and chatted.  It was a lovely afternoon.
Once the potjie was just about ready we added some dumplings and 30 minutes later were eating this delicious potjie, perfect winter day food!

G play's Gear of War on Xbox live, so I made him a birthday cake with the Gear's cog on.  I made a rectangle cake as the base and then a round cake which I molded into the cog for the top.  Both were carrot cake with cream cheese icing.

We were both very happy with the end result.

At the end of the day, we both said that we are going to go away for our birthday's next year. :-)  As much as it's fun having everyone celebrate with you, it's a lot of hard work. We'll see though...

Till next time,

*Potjie: Stew cooked on a fire in a cast iron pot



Happy Birthday to your hubby! It looks like you spent a good deal of time on that cake and it turned out great! I'm so boring and hardly ever go to much effort on cakes... I'm not very talented there. :)

I love your setup for cooking your Potjie! Great idea!

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