Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh the smell!

We have a bottle store close by that sells export wine at really good prices, I was driving past on Friday so I popped in and bought 2 bottles of wine.

I put them in the boot of my car in between some juice, strategically placing them so that they can't roll around and bump into each other.
I somehow knew I shouldn't have put them in my boot but of course didn't listen to my gut feeling!

I made sure that I didn't drive like a cowboy, just in case.
I wasn't far from my house when I heard these bottles rolling around, argh!  I drove extra, extra careful.  I took the first turn off just before my road and I heard "CLINK" 2 bottles of wine knocking together.  By the sound I just knew that one if not both had broken, this was then confirmed when I got the "whiff" of red wine.

The two bottles had bumped and the bottom of one had a clean break, which means that a WHOLE bottle of wine emptied in my boot.

I cleaned as much as I could, took the base part out and hosed it down.  I had some more shopping to do so after cleaning it I popped out.  I got home, left all the windows of the car open and went to finish up a few things in the house. About 30 minutes later I open the garage and all I smelt was wine!

I wiped out the boot one more time this time taking my spare tire out only to realise that most of the bottle of wine was sitting in the base of my car. I finally managed to get all of the wine out of my car but unfortunately not the smell.

5 day's later and I have a off wine smell in my car a smell I am not quite sure how to get rid of!

I got this really nice smelling spray when they serviced my car the last time, I have been spraying that to try tone it down a bit. At first I just had a sweet off wine smell but now it seems the wine smell is less at times.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of the smell?

Till next time



Sprinkle baking soda where it spilled and then vacuum it up. You could also leave a box of baking soda opened in your car somewhere where it won't spill over. Baking soda absorbs odors.


Oooooh, that would make me so sad!!!!! I have no idea how to get rid of the smell but I think the previous commenter is onto something with the baking soda! Good luck!

Bits of L

Thank you for the comments ladies. I tried the baking soda and it worked, I am so relieved. Thank you Ginger :-)

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